Thursday, April 23, 2009

a midsummer night's dream

cover to cover assignment for Jon Foster (william shakespeare's a midsummer night's dream) and a dip back into watercolors! after a number of interviews/portfolio reviews, i am going back to "illustration" and experimenting with style for a bit. a few companies told me that they would like to see a broader range of styles from here's my first (half) stab at a style shift. unfortunately, i'm still drawing the actual forms as i normally would, but i'm handling the subject differently (print-esque). i hope to achieve a more drastic change for my next piece.

watercolor, digital.

thanks to aaron for setting my type :)!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This one was a nice break from my normal portfolio work-- cover for Boneshaker, a jon foster assignment. i was finally able to get back to my oils and away from my computer for a few days! what a relief.

i also reworked my white mammoth character a while ago. it was kind of funny to digitally repaint something that i'd already painted in acrylic. i learned a lesson here: pick your medium correctly the FIRST time.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

reconsidering color

after taking my cityscape to mary jane's class, i received some really helpful advice on my colors and how that affected the overall tone of the i readdressed parts of it! hurrah!